Wednesday, December 19, 2007

My First Christmas Tree

lately i've been remembering the christmas' i had when i was little in mexico, i dont know if alot of you guys know, but in acatic we didn't have a christmas tree. we would just lay a towel on the floor on christmas eve. On christmas day we would wake up to find our toys. i remember one christmas that leti and i saw what we got in my grandma's house than we wanted to go to my house to see what El Niñito Dios had brought for us. when my dad opened the door we saw the biggest dolls ever!they were almost as big as us, you could hold her hand and pretend she would walk with you. It was such a great christmas that year, but than my grandma and leti decided to come to the united states. when they left, leti waved bye to me from the back seat of the taxi, while my mom and i cried. when we went inside i wrapped myself with a curtain and cried for a good hour or so.the following christmas that i had to spend without my best friend leti, my dad decided to do something special for me so i could get my mind off of being alone. my dad went off to a field and cut down a torn bush and painted it white, while my mom popped popcorn to put on each torn of the bush so i wouldn't prick my fingers. we decorated our tree with lights, ornaments, and strings of popcorn. i was so happy when we were done that i went outside to see how it looked with the lights on from the outside. i had never seen anything as beautiful as my tree. i was so proud of my tree that everytime i would get money i would stop at a store after school and buy an ornament to put on my tree. I never got the chance to thank my dad for making me so happy that year, i even forgot that leti was gone( jk). i would have never thought of making a christmas tree out of a torn bush but my dad was a smart man that i love with all my heart. *****writers note: Its over man, she's crying, that was our agreement, no crying, i dont do that stuff.*****
and now as i sit in front of my tree, my real tree i think of how blessed i am and how much the Lord has blessed us with everything that we have. thank you Jesus for giving me the opportunity to look back and have such wonderful memories of my parents and being able to spend the years you left them with me.


I Love you MOM and DAD.


Leti said...

I think we are on the same wave-length. Yes, your Dad loved you kids a whole lot and was very creative. Yes, I remember the excitement of that night...thank you for bringing back wonderful memories of our childhood. Sorry, I made you cry, but look what a beautiful tree came out of it-lol! Anyhow, know that the LORD feels your pain and will comfort you. I know you miss you Mom and Dad a whole day it will all be good. Keep singing...keep praising His Name!

Laura said...

How precious...thank you for sharing!!