Monday, October 8, 2007

here comes the tears.....again

this weekend I went to TJ to pick up my uncle's wife. it was just me and Oj all the way to Tj. we left the kids behind because they don't seem to be very fond of Tj, especially Nancy, she doesn't like the border patrol asking her were she was born and the looks they seem to give know Nancy and her temper. we got there 35 mins before her plane arrived , as i'm sitting there waiting for her to come out of that room i would see an older person hugging a younger relative and crying, i would join in on their tears. it kept happening over and over, i guess it was just me thinking " that could of been me hugging my parents as they would arrive from a long trip" but then reality would strike, theres no way i'd be hugging my parents soon. the interesting thing is that the night before as i was looking through my bible i found a scripture that i had underlined in 1995 on a bible that lety had given me. it goes .." and I declare that the dead, who have already died, are happier than the living , who are still alive but better than both is he who has not yet been, who has not seen the evil that is done under the sun"-Ecclesiastes 4:2-3. God was preparing me for the weekend because i'd been crying the whole week before, i always cry when its getting close to some special day and today is my dad's birthday. so it was just to tell me that i shouldn't be sad.


Laura said...

I love that verse...the Lord gave it to me right before I lost our little Elizabeth last year. We had been going through Eccesiastes in church and I remember really taking notice of it and then the Lord used it to minister to me a short time later. Thanks for being so open and sharing. We love you, Lulu!

Laura said...

Lulu...I have to apologize. As I was in the shower (where I do a lot of my contemplation) I realized that my previous comment may look like I'm comparing losing a baby I'd never met to losing a parent. I did not intend for it to come across that way.
~Hugs~ Laura

Leti said...

you are incledibly soft and tender and I know it has come because of the things that you have gone through. The Lord continues to give you such a tenderness and compassion. Yes I thought Oct. 8th had some special meaning and later the Lord reminded me of your Dad. Death was never intended to happen and that is why it hurts so much. But remember that God is faithful and he is not willing that any should perish, but that all would come to repentance. What you long for, the Lord knows and He knows full well how much you miss your Mom & Dad. Hold on to God's promises. He is always faithful to keep His word to us. I Love you.

Leti said...

hey there you, I just read this post on "The Internet Cafe" (link on my blog). It is called God's Sovereignty in the midst of pain...10/1/07 - read it I know it will bless you as it did me. lots of hugs oxoxox