Saturday, April 26, 2008
Happy Birthday Lety!!!!!!
I want to wish My favorite aunt and best friend a very Happy Birthday.
We have being best friends since I was born.I love her dearly,and every time we get together we always have a great time.
I love you Lety,and I wish that when we are old and wrinklely we still enjoy each other,don't get grouchy on me..ok LOVE YOU...
Posted by
2:06 PM
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Yesterday, I took my sons and their 3 friends to a funeral.The funeral was for a 17 year old boy from their school.He was a football and basketball player.He was a very happy and polite man.The church was so full of people that cared and loved this boy,they couldn't believe he was gone.You see a 16 year old boy shot him,while they were at a birthday party. it was a nice service, well as nice as it can be because theres nothing nice about a funeral. the hardest part was the at the cemetery, looking at all those young people crying for their friend and the poor mom, having to say goodbye to her son. the dad was the strong one, he reminded me so much of my grandpa. i had to step away when they were lowering the casket. i needed to move away with my thoughts. as i was waiting there, i saw my kids and their friends from saying bye. i saw them crying, so i went to them. i didn't know what to say at that moment, so the only thing i did was hug them. they made me cry. we had prayed before we left for the funeral. i had told them that they had to be strong for this moment, because thats the hardest part, when you have to say goodbye forever. on our way to the reception they were all silent. i guess all of them had their own thoughts to think about. i just left them at the reception and went back home with a headache. i guess sometimes we forget how fragile life is, one day we're here and the next we're gone.
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8:57 AM
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Today we sold 2 baby goats.The first one was easy to get ,but the second one was a bit harder.Ojitos got a cord and like a good cowboy he lassoed the first goat.the second goat was a different story,Ojitos tried to do the same thing he did with the first one but he missed and the cord broke. so we had to run after them. after a good half hour out there we finally caught it with the help of nancy. out of breath and an ache in my knee. i guess i got my workout for the week. i had to carry the goat on my knees all the way to the lady's house, good thing we took one at a time. the lady was only going to buy one, but she thought it was so cute and the goat was lonely that she decided to also buy the goat's twin. i think they're gonna be okay. the lady already had food for them and we also looked at the yard, it looked pretty decent. they are going to be busy, they bought them so the goats could eat their weeds and that yard did have alot of weeds. But my goats are hard workers, as soon as they got use to their surroundings they started working on the weeds.
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9:40 PM
Hey!!! wait a minute I though I was studying math.Who new math had letters too...
a+b=c what!!!!!!But I am happy to inform you that I m getting this algebra stuff,(you know a negative plus a negative equal a positive)I was able to do my homework all by myself without asking martin.I was very proud of myself,and i did my geometry too.I have being studying so hard, that I think I burned some of my brain cells.
I really want to pass my test to get my certificate,so keep me in prayer.I will be taking my test next month.It will be a 2 day test on the 7 and 8 of may.
I have being hitting the books so much ,that even in my dreams I m working with numbers.Sometimes I study so hard that I end up with a headache,but its a good feeling thinking that its all worth it.And if i have anymore brain cells left,maybe I will think about studying more,and even be a pre school or kinder garden teacher.What do you think?,would crazy Lulu be a good teacher.... Oh ,well I can dream...
Posted by
8:44 PM