Wednesday we woke up to snow falling in Hesperia,oh its great looking at the lords beautiful creations.The snow falling down making everything so white and beautiful.
The only bad thing is that, well I had to drive in it to work.It was scary driving ,but I made it to work and when I get there school was canceled.The good thing was they let me work any way.On my way back from work I had to drive very slow, it usually takes me 12 to 15 minutes to get home from work well not this time , it took me like 40 minutes.It was kind of scary on one occasion when my car started sliding on its own and I wasn't able to control it.The good thing was that there was not a lot of traffic and was able to take control of the car soon after.Ojitos had an adventure of his own,when he was stuck on the freeway for over seven hours and wasn't able to come home with us.He had to go and stay with his brother and spend the night,I really missed him and wasn't able to sleep that night.I'm so used to have him by my side that when he is not with me I missed him terribly.It made me think of all those wife's who will not have their husbands by their side this year.The only thing I can do is pray for them.That they find the comfort they need in you lord...
Monday, December 22, 2008
Snow In H esperia....
Posted by
1:26 PM
Friday, December 19, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Lulu's creations...
Recently I started working as a sub for food server in my school district,but they want you to wear a certain kind of clothes. I went and bought a top for 16.00 dollars,but I thought it was to much to get it stained with Clorox and stuff, so I decided to make my own.I was able to make this 2 tops for a total of less than 5.00 dollars each,well I was excited....I know that their not as good looking as the one I bought,but they work just as good... and now I am working on a different design.I hope it turns out OK.I'm just happy that I saved some money,especially right now.
Posted by
9:36 PM
Sunday, October 26, 2008
my dog Prince....
This weekend was a sad one for my Family...
We lost one of our beloved dogs,if you know me and my family you know that we loveeeee our animals.
Claudia and I were going to our neighbors house and the dogs started to run behind us in our back yard,but because the goats form our house and our neighbors rub their back on our back fence they made it kind of loose. the dogs some how managed to get out underneath the fence into my neighbors yard but from there yard got out into the street.
We where talking when all of the sudden we hear this loud thumping noise,we were trying to figure out what it was ,but something inside me told me it was my dog,so we all ran out to see what it was....We found our self with this horrible scene of my dog bleeding profusely and his body shaking on the ground. I knew that he was going to die when I saw him.all I could do was just move him from the street so he wouldn't get hit again.the rest, you can Imagine all our family crying over the lost of our dogie.
We will miss our dog very much......
Posted by
10:52 AM
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
learning to breathe....
Sometime when we go through trails,we think that taking the easy way out is he best solution to our problems,and if we just stop breathing everything will be ok,but we forget about the pain we are going to cause all our loved ones we leave behind...
I can't help and think about my mom,just giving up and not fighting to stay alive when we still needed her here with us,I wished we still had her here so we could share the love of our heavenly father and that he can take all our pains away and give us a new beginning.....
we all need a new beginning and we can all learn to breath again..
p.s I don't know why I wrote this, I guess I was just randomly thinking..
and I really like this song..
Posted by
9:17 PM
Friday, September 19, 2008
Corn bag update.
Some of you probably got a corn bag for Christmas from me,well I am sorry to tell you that I just found out that they have an expiration date.Don't get me wrong I didn't know this my self.I was advise not to long ago by Lety that hers grew some little black bugs.I guess is some sort of corn bug that grows on old corn,I m really embarrassed by this.Just remember that I was not aware that this happened,and that I gave it to relieved your pain and aches..Once again I am sorry for the inconvenience..
Don't worry if after reading this you run out and throw it in the trash,I won't take it personalty.I understand....
Love you guys...... :)
Posted by
8:39 AM
Monday, August 11, 2008
The entrepreneur side of Lulu
This weekend we had a yard sale,but it made me want to start my own business.You see I being wanting for some time now, to make a little thrift store just for kids clothes and kids items.A store were people can bring the clothes or items that their kids have out grown and exchange them for something they can use ,or even just sell their items to me,or just come and shop for affordable and nice things.I really want to do this especially now that everything is getting so expensive,and people are losing their jobs.I would like to offer a place where they can go and still buy nice clothes and things that they need for the kids at affordable prices.That way I will be helping them and at the same time they will be helping me.
I would like to ask for your help in spreading the word around to people who have small kids that have outgrown their clothes or just want to clear their clothes.I would more than happily accept donation or buy it from them at a reasonable price.
I would also appreciate your prayers, as I embark in this new adventure of staring my own business.So when your cleaning your children closet, as you are getting ready to buy new clothes school year....remember don't throw those outgrown clothes. consider donating or selling them to me.
Thank you in advance for your help....
please, spread the word around your friends
suggested items:
jeans,shirts,baby clothes,backpacks,baby shoes,toddler shoes,high chairs,stroller,walkers....etc...............
Posted by
7:56 PM
Monday, July 21, 2008
Squash Anyone??
( one picture was taken the 11th of this month and the other was the 24th....same squash...)
I'm not sure if you guys know but Nancy and I have a little garden. we decided to make one in order to save money when it came to buying tomatoes. we planted to tomato plants, some peppers, some zucchini, and some pickling cucumbers along with some lemon cucumbers. oh i almost forgot to mention....some pink banana jumbo squash.. the thing is our tomatoes....our main reason for this are getting eaten by rabbits...also our zucchinis are getting eaten by gophers ( we have two types growing....only the mexican zucchini is growing, the other one is being eaten). our pickling cucumbers have grown and have been eaten by us. our peppers haven't fully developed yet.....all these veggies are common in our house, we've bought them from stores before....but what we are having problems with, and the whole point for this blog is....our pink banana jumbo squash....WHAT ARE WE SUPPOSE TO DO WITH THEM??? so far we haven three of the squashes growing...these things are is being given to the neighbor when its ready to be eaten.....that leaves us with two.....Nancy has been looking all over the internet for recipes on this squash and has not been able to come up with anything. this is were you come in.....we were wondering if any of you guys might have had an encounter with this squash before and knows how to cook it or even make bake goods with it. hoping you can help....these things are said to be 20 plus lbs....whatever help you can offer is truly welcomed....
p.s. we would have a picture of it, but nancy's camera broke.
Posted by
3:53 PM
Friday, June 20, 2008
Congratulations Nancy.!!!!
Today I took my kids to the DMV to apply for their driver license.Martin and joseangel were not able to do it ,because their birth certificate was to old and worn out.I was a little disappointed about that ,but was not able to do nothing about it.I explained to the clerk that they looked like that, because I haven't bought a birth certificate since they were born,and that I had to put tape on them,because they rip from the folds,but the lady was not nice at all,and she just told me "when you get the new ones come back".Nancy was able to take her test because she had already got her id.she was very nervous and kept on saying "mom I m not going to make it"I just kept telling her that she was going to do fine,and to remember that she can do all things through Christ.I am happy to tell you that she did it,and only missed 3 questions.She even did better than me.Now all she needs is to start driving,she doesn't have any more excuses to tell me NO!!! I will let you now how our driving adventures go.
Posted by
2:06 PM
Sunday, June 8, 2008
My son's graduation!!!!!
I just wanted to start, by saying how proud we are of our son.This May, he finally graduated,It was a very proud moment to see our boy walk down to get his diploma and see how happy he was to have accomplished this.His face was glowing and his smile was ear to ear,it was great to see him so happy.It seems like it was yesterday that I left my shy little chongito in Kindergarten and now I get to see him graduate.
There are many things that I'm grateful for and this is one of them.
I love you my little chongito...
Posted by
8:24 PM
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Birthday wishes to my Nancy :)
Today my daughter turned 22,I can't believe how time goes by so fast.It seems like not long ago she was my little girl.I am so proud of her and what she has become,I know I like to tease her a lot to the point where I make her get mad at me,but she knows I love her.
Happy birthday my Nancy ,MAMA loves you....I can't write anymore,because she warned me not to get mushy.
Posted by
1:20 PM
Friday, May 16, 2008
I DID IT!!!!
I finally got my GED!!after so many years of wanting to get it. i was so excited that i was screaming and crying when i found out. i want to give thanks to God because i know that he brought me through this and i couldn't have done it without him.
Posted by
6:23 PM
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Happy Birthday Lety!!!!!!
I want to wish My favorite aunt and best friend a very Happy Birthday.
We have being best friends since I was born.I love her dearly,and every time we get together we always have a great time.
I love you Lety,and I wish that when we are old and wrinklely we still enjoy each other,don't get grouchy on me..ok LOVE YOU...
Posted by
2:06 PM
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Yesterday, I took my sons and their 3 friends to a funeral.The funeral was for a 17 year old boy from their school.He was a football and basketball player.He was a very happy and polite man.The church was so full of people that cared and loved this boy,they couldn't believe he was gone.You see a 16 year old boy shot him,while they were at a birthday party. it was a nice service, well as nice as it can be because theres nothing nice about a funeral. the hardest part was the at the cemetery, looking at all those young people crying for their friend and the poor mom, having to say goodbye to her son. the dad was the strong one, he reminded me so much of my grandpa. i had to step away when they were lowering the casket. i needed to move away with my thoughts. as i was waiting there, i saw my kids and their friends from saying bye. i saw them crying, so i went to them. i didn't know what to say at that moment, so the only thing i did was hug them. they made me cry. we had prayed before we left for the funeral. i had told them that they had to be strong for this moment, because thats the hardest part, when you have to say goodbye forever. on our way to the reception they were all silent. i guess all of them had their own thoughts to think about. i just left them at the reception and went back home with a headache. i guess sometimes we forget how fragile life is, one day we're here and the next we're gone.
Posted by
8:57 AM
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Today we sold 2 baby goats.The first one was easy to get ,but the second one was a bit harder.Ojitos got a cord and like a good cowboy he lassoed the first goat.the second goat was a different story,Ojitos tried to do the same thing he did with the first one but he missed and the cord broke. so we had to run after them. after a good half hour out there we finally caught it with the help of nancy. out of breath and an ache in my knee. i guess i got my workout for the week. i had to carry the goat on my knees all the way to the lady's house, good thing we took one at a time. the lady was only going to buy one, but she thought it was so cute and the goat was lonely that she decided to also buy the goat's twin. i think they're gonna be okay. the lady already had food for them and we also looked at the yard, it looked pretty decent. they are going to be busy, they bought them so the goats could eat their weeds and that yard did have alot of weeds. But my goats are hard workers, as soon as they got use to their surroundings they started working on the weeds.
Posted by
9:40 PM
Hey!!! wait a minute I though I was studying math.Who new math had letters too...
a+b=c what!!!!!!But I am happy to inform you that I m getting this algebra stuff,(you know a negative plus a negative equal a positive)I was able to do my homework all by myself without asking martin.I was very proud of myself,and i did my geometry too.I have being studying so hard, that I think I burned some of my brain cells.
I really want to pass my test to get my certificate,so keep me in prayer.I will be taking my test next month.It will be a 2 day test on the 7 and 8 of may.
I have being hitting the books so much ,that even in my dreams I m working with numbers.Sometimes I study so hard that I end up with a headache,but its a good feeling thinking that its all worth it.And if i have anymore brain cells left,maybe I will think about studying more,and even be a pre school or kinder garden teacher.What do you think?,would crazy Lulu be a good teacher.... Oh ,well I can dream...
Posted by
8:44 PM
Sunday, March 16, 2008
goat ride..
so i decided to see what it feels like to ride a goat. it almost cost me a broken tail bone, but it was fun. don't worry, i wont be doing it soon anymore because i think i almost broke my poor goats back.
Posted by
9:08 PM
Visit to Grandma :)
This friday Mony and I were able to go see my grandma in the hospital.She got sick ,but we are so happy that she is doing better.They were going to take her out of icu that night.She was real happy to see us ,especially to see Mony ,I know that she really wanted to see her,It had been a while since she last seen her.When we got there she was just looking at T.V.We looked at her and saw the effects of her being sick ,she looked so old ,Mony said "lulu she looks old now" as i thought inside of me"man my grandma doesn't look like the strong woman we grew up with" you see I have always admired my grandma for the woman she was when I was growing up,the woman that everyone respected and listened to when she would tell us to do something.looking at her go through everything she has gone through and still be standing strong and giving us comfort when we needed even if she her self is breaking inside.oh it made me realize how much i truly love her.
so we are there talking and listening to her, tell us that she loves us even if we don't love her and soo on.But we enjoyed that. Then meño got there so we all were talking .After a while it was dinner time so we are all trying to help grandma get ready to eat her dinner,trying to make her comfortable so she could enjoy her food.while we were trying to do this mony was trying to fix her bed so we could get her tray in right for her and grandma could sit up .all of the sudden my grandmas bed falls back and with it her head,her heart beat starts going fast and mony starts turning all red,meño starts laughing and my grandma tells mony" mija what are you doing " mony is all embarrassed and starts saying "i m sorry grandma" after we almost drop grandma off her bed,and scared her enough to get her heart racing, she returned to enjoy her dinner.
I really and enjoyed spending this little time with my grandma,and with mony....
Posted by
1:51 PM
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Happy Birthday Mony !!!!!!
I know we don't see each other as much as we used to,but I want you to know that your always in my heart, your my best friend,and # 1 sister.
i love you......
Posted by
9:14 PM
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
proud of my baby bother... :)
Last week,my heart was stirred with emotions.My brother called me to give me some great news.He was accepted to the seminary.(He had been praying to be accepted)and god answer his prayer.He has dedicated his life to god and his family since he was saved.I am so proud of my baby brother and he is such a great example to me,I love to be part of what he is see what a great man of god he is.
But it also makes me sad not to have our parents with us to see what a wonderful son they had.that all this wonderful things happening around us.we can't share with our parents,they just died to young. didn't get a chance to become old with us (and we know we can't wish them back)I know that they would be so proud to see what their 3 kids have become.
I don't know but the older I get the more I need them by my side.I know time makes it easier,but it also makes it harder to to be without them.sometimes harder to understand WHY
..I know that god knows why it had to happen,but I guess this is one of the reason I wish they were still here,so they can rejoice with us what god has done for my baby brother.......I love you chuy,and I'M so proud of you...
Posted by
10:26 AM
Friday, February 8, 2008
Revenge....that was the subject of our bible study that we had a couple of weeks ago with our Pastor Casey. when i heard the subject title i said " thats not me, i have no revenge against anyone....this is lulu...who could i hate so much to want revenge against" the study went on, Casey touched a subject that i hadn't thought about in a while. he started saying that "sometimes we have something against someone hidden inside of our hearts, that we have not let go. he said it could be something against a person that every time you hear their name it makes your stomach turn inside out. it could be unfaithfulness,maybe it happened two months ago, maybe it happened two years ago, for others it could have been 25 years ago. and the person that was hurt hasn't been able to forget and brings it up every time they have an argument ' remember when...' or maybe there's someone that has revenged against you and just says your forgiven but deep inside that person still has it buried deep inside their heart." By this time i was already crying, screaming in my mind " OOOOHHH MY GOD, this is me. i do hate someone and i haven't been able to forgive her. i felt so convicted by the pastor's words that i felt a little embarrassed and i just started thinking about the person that hurt me. thinking " i don't have to do anything to hurt her, i just have to forgive her." i thought she was my best friend, i really liked her, but she still ended up hurting me. so after this i started thinking, yes i do have to forgive because the pastor said " unforgiveness is like drinking poison and hoping the other person dies" and i started thinking, " well...i don't want to die, so i think i'm ready to forgive her."
he ended by saying this " have you loved them, have you blessed them, have you prayed for them, have you forgiven them" and this is what got me the most " when we experience God's forgiveness we have the power to forgive". so i say to all of you, if you have someone in your life that you haven't forgiven, TRULY forgiven, just do feels good inside...
Posted by
10:24 AM
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Super Tuesday....
This Tuesday I had the opportunity to serve my community,by helping in the voting polls. It was a long long day because ojitos' car broke down and he had to take me earlier than i was suppose to be there. i was suppose to be there at 6 am and he dropped me off at 4:55 am. i had to be out there sitting down all by myself in the cold hesperia morning. the only thing keeping me warm was a corn bag that i took with me. as i was sitting there all by myself looking all around for any danger, i started thinking about the homeless people " how do they do it to survive during winter time?" i was so cold i could feel it all over my bones.the good thing is i only had to stay there for 45 mins, but it seemed forever. when the people arrived they still didn't open up the room we were going to use. they finally opened it a little bit after 6 am. we started setting up, waiting for the polls to be opened at seven. i really liked the experience and i'm thinking about going back again. the only thing that got me was a few rude people.That were register as republicans but wanted to vote as democrats.I would tell them that they couldn't do that and they would get a little angry and start raising their voice at me. for the most part, there was alot of nice people, i really liked saying " hi, how are you? can i have your name......thank you for voting.....have a nice day". they say that theres gonna be another voting for state in june or july and i think i'm gonna be going. even though my body hurt so bad the next day. i learned alot of things that i didn't know. i didn't know that there were other parties, i only thought that it was democrat and republican .....oh and american independent ....but thats another long story....ask me about it when you see me...
Posted by
2:11 PM
Monday, January 28, 2008
Birthday wishes
we want to wish Miss Annie a very happy 5th birthday. hope you have a great day. Love you.
Posted by
3:39 PM
Monday, January 14, 2008
Corn Bags
i wanted to take a moment and write this blog because i have gotten some comments about the corn bags i gave you guys. first off i want to tell you guys what gave me the idea. a lady that works in the office of the school where i work gave me and nancy one for christmas and we liked them alot, especially with the cold weather up here. i thought it would be a great idea to make some of my own and give them to our family members so they could enjoy them also. i also wanted to let you guys know that there might be a strange smell coming from them when you heat them up, but don't worry, they won't pop. the corn inside of them isn't popcorn. so i hope you enjoy them as much as we have because we made them with lots of love.
Posted by
3:40 PM
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
My first day of school :o
Yesterday was my first day of school, It was a little nerve recking but I did ok.I had to take a pretest on writing and science(who knew that i needed science)I don't think I did to good on this tests.the whole time I was testing my nose kept on running.I got up from my chair to look for tissues,but couldn't find any so I just went back to my seat.
I kept wiping my nose with my sweatshirt sleeve(that is so gross)like a little kindergarten.I couldn't concentrate on my test because of that and because I was nerves.Nothing of what I was reading made any sense to me,it was like weird.
I kept looking around to see if meño was in class yet.I guess just by knowing that he was there I was going to feel better,but he forgot that class started at 5:30. so he walk in the classroom an hour later.When I heard his voice it made me feel good to know that he was there.I looked at him and just smile.class was finally over like around 8:00.I felt proud of myself,like if i had done something good.
I guess I was still nerves when I left the classroom,that i didn't notice that I left my jacket back there. I was Two blocks away from school when I finally noticed I didn't have my jacket with me.I made a quick u turn back to school to pick up my jacket, good thing the teacher was still there.oh well, I think my first day of school went well.
Please pray for me that I don't get discourage and that what is being taught can stay in my head.
Posted by
7:30 PM
Monday, January 7, 2008
New years eve 2007
this new years eve i spent it with my kids, husband, bree and james at Disneyland. we were surprised by claudia and james on christmas by reading a card that she gave to each one of us, saying " you are one of the 5 people i love the most on this earth and without you even the happiest place on earth wouldn't be so great, so merry christmas and see you on new years eve when i take you all to disneyland." it was great looking at my kids face all excited becuase they were going to disneyland. we haven't gone as a family since they were small. we had a great time, all together like little kids getting on the rides, as you can see from this picture of me and oj.its so awesome to see how blessed we are and that the lord lets us share our love for each other. thank you calla and james for a great time.
Posted by
3:58 PM